until we fix the eskandalon.com domain. It had been hacked to some company called "Tashir" which was trying to do something laudable fix the climate! but had never informed the Valanga and thus, how could we know? That said, Tashir is a global covenant of mayors based out of Armenia trying to help the earth...very good. ANYWAY but the hoster has fixed that and so now it just needs to be reinstated. :)!! For next Tuesday, continue to craft a syllabus to your liking. You can make up some preliminary faerie quizzes using the Yorkshire farmer crisis and linking it to the organic regeneration of the world, as in, why did God not incarnate himself as a robot, but rather, as bread? You could read some material about Gawain or just make up some multiple choice quizzes for fun.
For the regular trimester, this would be exam week, which for a law student might onsist in this: Write an amicus brief that could be tweaked for use in the Momeni, Mangione Mental disturbance method. Four Ms. Consider whether Mehmet Ali Acga was mentally malato at the time he tried to kill Wojytla, though he may or may not have believed in the fundamentals of Sharia. Discuss these issues in the brief along with Grotius Mare Liberum to buttress a possible World Empire of the Law of Love.